Revitalizing You

specializing in Comprehensive Obesity, Weight Management and Cosmetic Therapies

Physical Exams

Ordering labs and reviewing results with patients

Counseling on Dietetics and Lifestyle modifications

Prescribing medications to retail and compounding pharmacies

Administering subcutaneous compounded anti-obesity medications


What is my ideal weight/BMI?

How much weight should I lose?

How do I know I’m “healthy?”

Are you tired of struggling with the stigmas associated with being overweight? Tired of being judged, stared at, or even criticized? Are you tired of being treated differently at work or in social situations, perhaps even by healthcare providers? I. AM. TOO!!

Hi, my name is Katie O’Boyle, and I am a certified interdisciplinary specialist in obesity and weight management (CSWOM). That’s a lot of big words to tell you that I am a nurse practitioner who specializes in weight management, health, and wellness. I’ve helped thousands of patients achieve their goals of happier and healthier living! Alongside some of the country’s most experienced bariatric and metabolic surgeons and obesity and weight management specialists, I have over a decade’s worth of experience. I, myself have about 30 years of experience personally battling the chronic disease of obesity.

What We Offer

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Weight Management

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Things You Will Learn

Diet Tips

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Emotional Wellness

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Long-Term Change

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Wellness made easy

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